Can a Cobbler Make shoes smaller

Can a Cobbler make shoes smaller?

If you have ever worn shoes that were too big for you, then you know the discomfort of having your feet slide around inside them.

 Oversized shoes can also make it difficult to walk and can cause blisters. If this is a problem you often face, you may wonder if cobblers can make shoes smaller.

Read on to learn more about this process and how it can help improve your shoe fit.

Can cobblers make shoes smaller?

The short answer is yes! Cobblers have a few different techniques they can use to make your shoes fit more snugly. The most common method is adding an insole or other padding to the inside of the shoe. This will fill up some extra space and keep your foot from sliding around.

Another option is to use a particular machine that shrinks the shoe’s leather. This can be an effective way to make shoes smaller, but it’s not always possible depending on the type of shoe and materials used.

If you’re struggling with finding shoes that fit well, visit a cobbler to see if they can help you. With a bit of work, they should be able to make your shoes more comfortable and help you avoid any future issues.

How to find the right cobbler for you?

When it comes to finding a cobbler that can make your shoes smaller, you’ll want to look for someone who has experience with this type of work. Ask around for recommendations or look for reviews online. Once you’ve found a few potential cobblers, call them and ask about their experience with this type of work.

It would help if you also asked about pricing upfront. Some cobblers may charge by the hour, while others may have a flat rate for this service. Knowing how much you’ll be expected to pay before getting started is essential.

What to expect during the process?

Once you’ve found a cobbler you’re comfortable with, they will likely start by measuring your feet. This is important so they can determine how much smaller they need to make the shoes. They will also look at the shoes you want to have altered and assess what type of work needs to be done.

From there, the cobbler will get to work making your shoes smaller. This process usually doesn’t take too long, but it will depend on the type of shoe and how much work needs to be done. Once the cobbling is complete, you’ll be able to try on your shoes and make sure they fit well.

The cost of having your shoes made smaller by a cobbler

The cost of having your boots made smaller will vary depending on the cobbler you use and the type of work that needs to be done. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $50 for this service.

How to care for your shoes after they’ve been made smaller by a cobbler?

Once your shoes are made smaller, it’s essential to take care of them, so they last as long as possible. Avoid getting them wet whenever possible, as this can damage the leather. You should also avoid wearing them in extreme heat or cold, which can also cause damage.

Store your shoes in a cool, dry place when you’re not wearing them. This will help extend their lifespan and keep them looking their best.

The benefits of having your shoes made smaller by a cobbler

There are a few main benefits of wearing shoes that fit well. First, it’s much more comfortable! Fliping your feet inside your shoes can cause blisters and other problems. Second, well-fitting shoes are easier to walk in and won’t slow you down. Finally, shoes that fit well look better than shoes that are too big or too small.

If you’re having trouble finding shoes that fit, don’t give up hope! There are ways to make them work for you. Talk to a cobbler about your options and see if they can help you find the perfect fit.


In conclusion, it’s possible to have your shoes made smaller by a cobbler. This process usually involves adding an insole or padding to the inside of the shoe or using a particular machine to shrink the leather. The cost of this service will vary depending on the cobbler you use and the type of work that needs to be done, but you can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $50. Be sure to take care of your shoes after they’ve been made smaller, so they last as long as possible. Store them in a cool, dry place when you’re not wearing them, and avoid getting them wet or wearing them in extreme temperatures. With proper care, your shoes should last for many years to come!


1. Can any cobbler make my shoes smaller?

It depends on the type of shoe and materials used. Some shoes can’t be altered without damaging them, so it’s always best to check with a cobbler before having any work done.

2. How much will it cost to have my shoes made smaller?

The cost will vary depending on the cobbler and the work needed. In most cases, having a minor adjustment to your shoes won’t be costly.

3. How long does it take to have my shoes made smaller?

Again, it depends on the type of shoe and the amount of work needed. Most cobblers can adjust within a few days.

4. What should I do to care for my shoes after they’ve been made smaller?

Be sure to avoid getting them wet and store them in a cool, dry place when you’re not wearing them. You should also avoid wearing them in extreme heat or cold. Taking these steps will help extend the lifespan of your shoes.

5. Are there any benefits to having my shoes made smaller?

Yes! Wearing shoes that fit well is much more comfortable and can help you avoid blisters and other problems. Shoes that fit well are also easier to walk in and won’t slow you down. Finally, well-fitting shoes look better than shoes that are too big or too small.


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