how to stop shoes from rubbing achilles

How To Stop Shoes From Rubbing Achilles

If you’re experiencing pain on the back of your heels, it may be from shoes rubbing against your Achilles tendon. This can cause irritation and inflammation, leading to discomfort and difficulty walking.

Fortunately, you can do a few things to stop the shoes from rubbing your Achilles and alleviate the pain, like Wearing socks or a shoe liner or Tying your shoes differently.

This post will discuss some of the best ways to do this. Keep reading for more information.

There are many ways to stop shoes from rubbing Achilles; the following are a few best methods you can try.

1. Identify The Cause Of The Rubbing

First of all, identify the cause of the rubbing. Is it the shoes you are wearing or the way you are tying your shoes? If it’s the shoes, you need to find a different pair that doesn’t rub against your Achilles tendon. But if it’s the way you tie your shoes, there are a few different ways you can connect them to stop the rubbing.

2. Wearing Socks Or A Shoe Liner

One way to prevent your shoes from Rubbing against your Achilles tendon is to wear socks or a shoe liner. This will create a barrier between your skin and the shoe and will help to reduce friction.

3. Tying Your Shoes Differently

If you are tying your shoes in a way that is causing them to rub against your Achilles tendon, there are a few different ways you can connect them to stop the rubbing. One way is to tie the laces around your ankles rather than through the loops on the shoes. This will help to keep the laces from rubbing against your Achilles tendon. Another way is to tie the laces in a figure-eight pattern, which will also help keep them from scratching your Achilles tendon.

4. Replacing Your Shoes

If you’ve tried all the above methods and nothing seems to be working, it may be time to replace your shoes. Shoes that are too big or too small can rub against your Achilles tendon, so it’s essential to find a pair that fits well. If you’re unsure what size to get, you can always ask a salesperson for help.

5. Try Different Shoes With A Wider Toe Box

If you have tried all the above methods and are still experiencing pain, it may be time to try a different type of shoe. Shoes with a wider toe box can help reduce the pressure on your Achilles tendon and may be more comfortable for you to wear.

6. Apply A Lubricant

If you are still experiencing pain, you can try applying a lubricant to the area to help reduce friction. This can be done with a bandage or by using an over-the-counter lubricant such as petroleum jelly.

7. Stretch Your Achilles Tendon

Stretching your Achilles tendon can help to reduce pain and inflammation. There are a few different ways you can test your Achilles tendon. One way is to stand with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Then, bend your knees and lean forward until you feel a stretch in the back of your legs. Another way is to sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you and your toes pointing toward the ceiling. Then, slowly lean forward until you feel a stretch in the back of your legs.

8. Place Moleskin Padding On The Back Of Your Shoes

If you are still experiencing pain, you can try moleskin padding on your shoes’ back. This will help to cushion the area and reduce friction.


To conclude, how to stop shoes from rubbing Achilles? There are many ways to stop shoes from rubbing Achilles; above are a few best methods you can try.


1. What are the best ways to stop shoes from rubbing against my Achilles tendon?

There are many ways to stop shoes from rubbing against your Achilles tendon, but some best practices include wearing socks or a shoe liner, tying your boots differently, or replacing your shoes. If you’re still experiencing pain, you can also try applying a lubricant or stretching your Achilles tendon.

2. What type of shoe should I buy if I’m prone to Achilles tendonitis?

If you’re prone to Achilles tendonitis, finding a shoe that fits well and supports your feet is essential. You may also want to consider a shoe with a wider toe box, which can help to reduce pressure on your Achilles tendon.

3. How often should I stretch my Achilles tendon?

You should stretch your Achilles tendon at least once daily but more frequently if you’re experiencing pain. If you’re unsure how to extend your Achilles tendon, many resources are available online, or you can ask your doctor for help.

4. What are the best shoes for Achilles tendonitis?

There is no “best” shoe for Achilles tendonitis, as different people may have other preferences. However, it’s essential to find a shoe that fits well and provides support for your feet. You may also want to consider a shoe with a wider toe box, which can help to reduce pressure on your Achilles tendon.

5. Can I prevent Achilles tendonitis?

There is no sure way to prevent Achilles tendonitis, but there are some things you can do to reduce your risk. These include stretching your Achilles tendon regularly, wearing shoes that fit well and provide support, and avoiding high-impact activities. If you have any concerns, please talk to your doctor.

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